There are several kinds of birds that can be used as tattoo designs for girls. Here are some of them and the meaning they represent.
Sparrow in the Old Testament is viewed as the symbol of solitude and loneliness while in the New Testament, it is look upon as a representation of lowliness and insignificance. In Greek mythology however, it is linked to the goddess Aphrodite and is associated with fertility. In Japan, sparrow is seen as a symbol of loyalty because of its sociable nature.
Swallow is a symbol for spring, renewed life and fertility. In Africa, it is seen as a symbol of purity while in China, two swallows represent marital happiness.
Dove represents peace, soul innocence, gentleness and purity. Two doves together are seen as symbol of marital love and fidelity.
Swallow is a symbol for spring, renewed life and fertility. In Africa, it is seen as a symbol of purity while in China, two swallows represent marital happiness.
Dove represents peace, soul innocence, gentleness and purity. Two doves together are seen as symbol of marital love and fidelity.